With over twenty years of experience in the digital world and internet industry, I made my way on Web Design and Digital Marketing through successful and often high-demanding projects. Driven by the desire not just to complete a project itself, but to implement the highest purpose and bring benefits to it's owner. Always on time, affordable and effective from the starting to the ending point of all projects. Do you have a Web Design or Marketing project on plan? Let's discuss it with no obligation.
Started as a Web Developer in a single project, to end up working full time with Contrast Design to both Web Development and Digital Marketing, i experienced many interesting and challenging projects. The company has a full Video production and Filming department and has been a ground to improve the technical knowledge into implementing and manipulating Videos on the web, which turns out to be a key-feature and important marketing tool.
For many years i-Pins created lots of interesting Websites, E-Commerce platforms and Web based IT projects, such as Corporate solutions, Cloud servers, CRMs and ERPs installation and support. As a Web Developer I participated in almost all of these projects, but also gained experience in IT support and server based applications and integrations.
As a web designer in Growthebiz i have started to familiarize myself with Bootstrap responsive web design and helped to practice and improve the main web design skills and languages, CSS Javascript and HTML. In addition, the company supplied me with the first important steps to Digital marketing, campaign management and email automation features.
When you open your browser to visit your favorite web page, you usually don't think what happens behind it. The thing is, each browser renders the website's content in a different way. What happens under the hood in a browser certainly does not concern anyone except the web developer which has to do make it work and look fine in all browsers, sizes and devices.
Although modern browsers keep constantly improving, there is a lot of extra work for a developer to make a website look perfect for all of them. Yet, this is something that shouldn't be ignored, as you don't really know what is the browser your website visitor uses and you want to be sure that it will look fine and stay functional even for the old, horrible IE.
Digital Marketing requires research and Web development requires studying. Both are extremely time consuming, since anyone working with internet has to constantly improve his skills. However, apart from my Web Design activities, there lots of other interests that keep me occupied when not working or studying. Reading is one of the best things I have ever discovered (unfortunately late). All types of books, from novels to maths and science are welcome and I constantly try to improve my library.
While outdoors, traveling is the most favorite thing i like to do and i enjoy equally long distant trips or short weekends to closer destinations. I have been in several European countries, yet i still prefer my own motherland as there are still places out there waiting for me to discovered them.